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I Am My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council now accepts online donations via Paypal.

We appreciate the responsibility and calling to minister to families that struggle to put their lives back together. Our obstacles are formidable and resources are necessary to provide the type of help that those who come to us need to begin their lives again. In addition, making our voice and the voice of victims heard takes resources.  Any gift of any size is greatly appreciated and will be put to use to help us reach and lift those that are hurting among us. Here's the link: 

IMBKCAC is NOT a state or federally funded agency. 

IMBKCAC is NOT an organizational church sponsored auxiliary or group. 

IMBKCAC is NOT an entity that is top heavy with salaries, bonuses or illustrious methods of transportation or community conduct. 

IMBKCAC is people, helping other people, holding forth the WORD of God as a guide and staff in all that we do.  Along with YOU, we can make the difference.

THANK YOU for your valuable contribution to this work. 

Donate with PayPal

IMBKCAC Tax Deductible Online Donations

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