I Am My Brother's Keeper
Christian Advocacy Council
There Is A Balm In Gilead (Jer. 8:22)

1/31/2025: IMBKCAC has released its Safe Church Certification Program aimed at making local congregations a more safe and welcoming place. This is another initiative in the fight against sexual abuse. Click HERE for more details
11/17/2024: Pastor Burnett issues a call to volunteers nationwide to participate in Victim's advocacy. See The Dunamis Word for details.
7/2020: Texarcana, AK Pastor of Trinity Temple COGIC Sentenced to Life PLUS 220 Years For Sexual Abuse/Clergy Sexual Miscounduct HERE
8/20/2018: Pastor Burnett has responded to the recent Grand Jury report on Catholic sexual abuse released by the Pennsylvania AG. Please click HERE for the full redacted PDF on the case. For my video analysis you may click HERE and HERE . For a radio/podcast version of my response Pt. 2 please click HERE
11/03/2017: IMBKCAC Executive Director Pastor Harvey Burnett asks Presiding Bishop Blake for a greater commitment from the church in establishing victim's advocacy and to meet during the 110th Annual COGIC Holy Convocation.
11/2015: IMBKCAC endorses CNN documentary "The Hunting Ground" which exposes rape on college and university campuses and the organizational culture that paves the way to such crimes and atrocious behavior. This documentary displays the danger of not having a victims advocacy plan in place. The trailer can be seen HERE.
4/5/14: Pastor Burnett Conducts National Conference Call to discuss victim's advococacy and clergy sexual abuse issues within COGIC. Further details can be found HERE
3/7/13: President Obama signs "Violence Against Women Act" into law.
Huffington Post: HERE Special notes: The rate of violence against women and girls age 12 or older fell 64% over a decade to 270,000 in 2010.
11/8/2012: IMBKCAC calls COGIC to a higher standard of response to victims of sexual abuse through controversial press conference at Holy Convocation. Story: at The Dunamis Word HERE
Current News In Victims Advocacy