I Am My Brother's Keeper
Christian Advocacy Council
There Is A Balm In Gilead (Jer. 8:22)
* 71% of rapes are planned in advance
* 10 times more rapes are reported to crisis lines than are reported to the police while only 5% of all incidents of rape are ever reported to the police at all.
* For the period 2003-2008 criminal prosecutors reported a nearly 300% increase in reports of "peer-to-peer" abuse.
* Talking about one's abuse not only has a liberating effect, but helps others gain courage to come forward also.
* “The only way to prevent this crime is to break the code of silence and to have absolute transparency when allegations are raised.” ~ Christa Brown member Survivor Network of Those Abused By Priests
* GuideOne Insurance Co. (West Des Moines, IA) reported around “160 reports of sex abuse against minors every year for two decades.”
For Survivors

IMBKCAC exists to help those who have suffered victimization to regain their spiritual balance, sense of dignity, self worth, and place their lives back together. IMBKCAC assists survivors through a post abuse plan designed to help restore the individual and family through the implementation of personal prayer and biblical moral values. We uncover the cycle of abuse and what's more, how to stop it. In some cases we make legal referral and help the survivor access the proper authorities concerning their case and situation. We also help individuals understand the complaint process of their church and assist with making the proper reports to church authorities.